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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

about half the size
of the grey whale mother

She can inflict real damage with her tail

But the killers are not after her
They are after her calf

As long as the mother
can keep it on the move,

it will be safe and
she does her best to hurry it along

At first the killers
avoid getting too close...

to the mother but just keep pace alongside

They know that the calf,

going at this speed, will eventually tire

After three hours
of being harried in this way

the calf becomes too exhausted
to swim any further

The mother has to stop

This is the moment the killers
have been waiting for

They start to try and force themselves
between mother and calf

A calf, separated from its mother,

will not be able to defend itself

Time and again the black fins

of the killers appear between
the mottled backs of the grey whales

At last the killers succeed

And now that they've got the calf
on its own, they change their tactics

They leap right on to the calf
and try to push it under

They are trying to drown it

The calf snatches a desperate breath

The mother becomes increasingly agitated

she tries to push her calf back

to the surface so that it can breathe

But now it is so exhausted that it has
to be supported by its mother's body

The killers won't give up

Like a pack of wolves,
they take turns in harassing the whales

Now the whole pod is involved

One of them takes a bite

Soon the sea is reddened
with the calf's blood

and the killers close in for the final act

The calf is dead

After a six-hour hunt, the killer whales
have finally won their prize

The mother, bereft, has to continue
her migration north on her own

She leaves behind the carcass
of a calf that

she cherished
for thirteen months in her womb

for which she delayed
her own journey to find food

The pod of fifteen killer whales spent
over six hours trying to kill this calf


snatches [snætʃɪz] n. 抢( snatch的名词复数 ); 夺; 攫取; (物的)片段 v. 突然伸手拿取,攫取,抓住( snatch的第三人称单数 ); 抓紧时间做; 乘机获得; 夺去 { :5049}

inflict [ɪnˈflɪkt] vt. 造成;使遭受(损伤、痛苦等);给予(打击等) {cet6 toefl ielts gre :5303}

calf [kɑ:f] n. [解剖] 腓肠,小腿;小牛;小牛皮;(鲸等大哺乳动物的)幼崽 { :5425}

harassing [ˈhærəsɪŋ] 扰乱 { :7135}

fins [finz] n. 鳍片,散热翅片;五元纸币(fin的复数形式) v. 切除鳍;装上翅(fin的第三人称单数) n. (Fins)人名;(葡)芬斯 { :8226}

pod [pɒd] n. 蚕茧;豆荚 n. (Pod)人名;(罗)波德 vt. 从豆荚中剥出 vi. 结豆荚 {gre :8381}

cherished [ˈtʃeriʃt] adj. 珍爱的 珍视的 珍视 珍爱 珍藏的 { :8660}

frantically ['fræntɪklɪ] adv. 疯狂似地;狂暴地 { :8758}

womb [wu:m] n. [解剖] 子宫;发源地 vt. 容纳 { :9091}

carcass [ˈkɑ:kəs] n. (人或动物的)尸体;残骸;(除脏去头备食用的)畜体 {toefl :9410}

agitated [ˈædʒɪteɪtɪd] v. 焦虑;鼓动(agitate的过去分词) adj. 激动的;焦虑的;表现不安的 {gre :12134}

bereft [bɪˈreft] adj. 丧失的;被剥夺的;失去亲人的 v. 失去…的(bereave的过去式) {gre :14655}

mottled [ˈmɒtld] adj. 斑驳的,杂色的 v. 使成杂色(mottle的过去分词) {gre :15312}

reddened [ˈrednd] vi. 变红;脸红 vt. 使变红 n. (Redden)人名;(英)雷登 { :16258}

killers [ˈkɪləz] n. 凶手( killer的名词复数 ); 消灭…者; 致命物; <非正>极难的事 { :2613}

whales [hweilz] n. 鲸鱼(whale的复数) v. 捕鲸(whale的第三人称单数形式) {ielts :4232}

a bite [ ] [网络] 一口;太急;咬一口

exhaust to [ ] 排到

grey whale [ ] na. 【动】灰鲸 (Eschrichtius glancus) [网络] 与灰鲸亲密接触;小鲸鱼;鲸鱼都是灰鲸

killer whale [ˈkɪlə hweil] n. 虎鲸;逆戟鲸;恶鲸;杀人鲸 [网络] 杀手鲸;倒戟鲸;虎鲸逆戟鲸

killer whales [ ] [网络] 蓝海虎鲸;杀人鲸;鲸鱼班

take a bite [ ] v. 进食 [网络] 咬一口;吃一口;你可以尝一口

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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